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wc3elf.clan.su » Файлы » Карты » RPG

The Black Road v2.0.9c
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- Автор карты: Av3n; ArthasFirestorm; Father Time 
- Жанр: Role Playing Game/RPG 
- Версия: 2.0.9c Патч 1.24 
- Язык: Английский 
- Кол-во игроков: 2-8; (Не меньше 2!) 
- Поддержка компьютера: Нет 
- Размер: 256х256 
- Ландшафт: Ashenvale

Сказать об этой Role Playing Game/RPG карте что она хорошая и интересная, значит не сказать ничего. Захватывающее командное прохождение, огромный игровой мир, отличные модели героев, интересные нестандартные навыки, тайные реликты, битвы с титанами, боссами и сражения героев - всё это TBR! Любители карт в данной категории несомненно останутся довольны поиграв в эту карту!


- Tomes no longer gives 1 extra stat point when used on a wisp 
- All autocast spells and spells that couldn't be cast on training dummies should now work 
- Changed the entry level for the Harpy area to 35 
- All favor spells are checked and fixed 
- Item Acquisition is now fixed 
- Restriction on items is re-done (Thanks to NG_Absalon) 
Item types include: Gear/Equipment, Relics, Dragon, Oly Components, Oly Regalias, Lion, God, Gear Components (includes gems) 
And all of the item restrictions are double checked and updated 
- Serius now only has Holy Light, Drunken Brawler and Devotion Aura as abilities 
- Towering Shield of Athens can no longer be equipped by the Backpack 
- Correct values are inputted for all Forge refunds now 
- Level 50 healing pots should now work 
- Odysseus Armor now forges properly with the correct materials 
- Light of Athens doesn't trigger chaos for Olympian armors from saving now (Credits to No_Exit) 
- Atlas Boss Fight: Damage from quake is equal to 10% of your max health 
- Stat retraining now works 
- Scroll of Healing heals for 200 instead of nothing 
- Pack Horses can no longer be pathing blockers 
- Quest: Spartan Captains now instantly return to athens 
- When duels end anyone in arena teleports back to arena lobby 
- If Maximus dies after completing Heart Blade quest it no longer triggers another quest completion 
- Fixed: Killing the Minotaur building EAST of Uranus causes the game to crash. 
(this was a map hack visibility protection trigger too close to real vis) 
- Repeatable quests limited to 50 units 
- All Athenian Militia healed before wave 
- Athenian Militia bunch up less in Hall of Heros area 
- -kill command only works on alive heros 
- Blessed Seed Quest has been fixed 
- The caravan for the escort quest following the satyr no longer returns to it's starting point 
- 2x the favor for level 75+ 
- Titan kills give 20 favor to each (was bugged and only gave 1) 
- Harpy Hive Mother level 40 not 35 
- Quests: Moved Snatching the Claws to before Harpy Hive Mother 
- Quest items acquired shouldn't go over the goal now. 
- Find host trigger to fix dynamic hosting 
- Recipe's cooldowns are reduced to 2 seconds from 60 seconds 
- Fingerbone and Spell Blade Regalia brilliance auras no longer stacks with each other. 
- Javalineer now has an attack range of 500 instead of 400 
- Once you save, you can't load something else 
- Save/Load Code Cipher changed a.k.a Code Reset 
- Pack Animal has 'wander' and can move some 
- Chillhand ice slip trigger fires every .02 instead of .03 - smoother but still less than .01 laggy standard 
- On -repick, remove all items owned by player on map 
- On -load, set favor=HeroLevel/2 
- minor quest adjustments 
- Lower favor costs on teleports 

Character Spells, Changelog (С версии 1.33 до данной 2.0.9с): 

Temple Guardian: 

Holy Light 
- Damage dealt is 50% of the heal instead of 25% 
- Intelligence bonus is now x1 instead of x2 


- Is now known as Firedrop 

"Marks the target with flames dealing X damage and burns the target dealing Y damage over time. Enemies burned this way take Z% more damage from the Pyromancer spells. 
Lasts for 7 seconds. 


- Instant activation unlike the old one which travels in a line 
- Damage over time instead of instant damage 

- Splash damage is now 50% 
- Damage improved to scale with mana cost 

- Damage improved to scale with mana cost 
- Cooldown is now 60 seconds 


Aqua Spike 
- Now has a slow effect 
- Rescaled mana cost 

- No longer deals Damage over Time 
- Increased Explosion AoE to 300 from 200 

Ice Shackles 
- Remade into Ice Prison 

"Sends orbs of ice which are created 600 units away the targeted area towards the targeted area encasing enemies caught by it immobilizing them for 3 seconds. After 1.5 seconds it deals X damage in a 600 AoE, dealing 20% more damage if enemies are slowed by other Hydromancer spells." 

Freezing Field 
- Remade into Blizzard 

"Calls down a blizzard in the target area, unleashing blizzard shards which upon impact deal 250 + (Spell Damage/15) damage and slows enemies within a 225 AoE. 
Lasts 30 shards. 


- No longer costs life to cast 
- Voodoo now deals full spell damage per iteration 

- Redesigned 

"Deals X damage to the target, which then heals the Bokor for Y of that damage dealt. 
Costs Z life to cast, if you do not have enough life the spell will be canceled." 

Grave Dance 
- Redesigned 

"Summons 3 ghosts which follow the Bokor seeking enemies to attack. One of their attacks equal X current health damage. 
Ghosts last for 4 attacks or 15 seconds. 

Costs Y life to cast, if you do not have enough life the spell will be canceled." 

Wail of the Banshee 
- Redesigined 

"Fires a disturbing cry towards the target point dealing X current life (of the Bokor) damage and reduces their attack damage by Y to enemies hit by it. 
Lasts for Z seconds. 

Costs 75 life to cast, if you do not have enough life the spell will be canceled." 


Shuriken Throw 
- Remade into Kunai Screen 

"Throws a set of kunai towards the target point, which explodes when it reaches it setting off a smokescreen dealing X + x2 Strength damage in a 300 AoE. If a enemy fights within the smokescreen it's is reduced attack speed by X% and has a Y% chance to miss on attack. 
Lasts for 11 seconds." 

Shadow Image 
- Redesigned 

"For each successful attack the Assassin lands, he has a X% chance to create an image, confusing his enemy. The image then attacks the enemy dealing the amount of damage dealt. 

3 second cooldown." 

- Fixed a bug where it will not work at all 
- Bonus damage dealt per X% health missing now scales each level instead of every two levels 


- Cooldown reduced to 5 secs from 8 secs 
- Increased mana cost per level by 10 

Give and Take 
- Increased the healing percentage by 7% per level 

- Resistance now increases with the level 
- If a higher level Priestess casts Sanctuary on a target with a lower level of Sanctuary, it will take priority. Vice Versa 

- Closes the Rebirth menu straight after cast 


- Stackable/Dispellable 
- Starts at 400 health over 8 seconds, increasing by 200 per level 
- Reworked the way Rejuvenation restores health 

Spartan Warrior: 

- If a unit is already taunted, the unit will focus on the unit that taunted it first. 
- The effect of Taunt starts at the end of the cast rather than the beginning of cast. 
- Non-dispellable (Caster Effect) 

Blood Drunk 
- Damage type is now Pure, previously it used to be Physical 
- A non-dispellable buff appears when Blood Drunk is healing the Spartan Warrior 
- Floating text displaying the multiplied damage is only shown to the Spartan Warrior now 

- AoE scales now. Starts at Level 1 
200 -> 225 -> 250 -> 275 -> 300 -> 325 
- Stun scales now. Starts at Level 1 
1 sec -> 1.5 sec -> 2 -> 2 -> 2.5 -> 3 
- Strength bonus scales nows. Starts at Level 1 
x1 -> x1 -> x2 -> x2 -> x3 -> x3 


- The Slow Poison increases 1 second per level from 3 seconds at level 1 (8 seconds at level 6) 
- Kudzu's Level 1 mana cost is now 75 reduced from 85 

Ares Warcry 
- No longer autocastable 

Spell Blade: 

- Damage Type is Magical 

Mark of the Magus 
- Is now a passive 

Mental Barrier 
- Mana per hit point of damage now like this starting from Level 1. 
3 -> 2.5 -> 2 -> 1.5 -> 1 -> 0.5 
- Only absorbs 50% of the damage 


Spear Impetus 
- Damage type is now magical 
- Damage bonus from distance scales differently starting from 17% at Level 1 (52% at Level 6) 

- Frenzy adds the correct bonuses 
- If the "Miss" buff is dispelled then the spell will end 

- Has been reworked 

"Each attack has a 17% chance to stun the target for X (Y for Titans) seconds and knocks them back. 

3 second cooldown. 
If Spear Impetus is activated (not cast) and if Puncture procs it triggers before Spear Impetus. 
Cannot knockback Titans or Supreme Creeps." 

Arcane Ranger: 

Soul-Piercing Shot 
- Damage Type is Magical 
- Scales from 50% of your Intelligence increasing by 30% per level (200% at level 6) 

Mark of the Moon 
- Removed 1 second casting time, however there is now a 0.7 second damage delay instead 

- No longer benefits from Spell Healing 
- 200 AoE from 300 AoE (In-game for 2.0.0 it displays a 400 AoE circle) 
- x2 Intelligence bonus from x3 Intelligence 
- Stackable 

Selene's Blessing 
- If you happen to level up the ability and have the buff from the previous level, it will automactically adjust it to the right level.

Категория: RPG | Добавил: eldiablo
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