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wc3elf.clan.su » Файлы » Карты » Arena

Warlock v094
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- Автор карты: Zymoran and Demestotenes 
- Жанр: Hero Arena, Mini-Game
- Версия: 094
- Язык: Английский
- Кол-во игроков: 2-12
- Поддержка компьютера: Нет
- Размер: 64x64
- Ландшафт: Dungeon

- New loading screen by J4CK
- Pillars can be destroyed, shattering into shards
- Added a new constant: Assist point reward (no longer depending on Kill point reward)
- Added two different constant lists (1st list: gameplay constants, 2nd list: reward constants)
- Assists now grant 2 points instead of 1 (kill steal is 1 and pure kill is 3)
- "-donut" terrain shape (in addition to "-circle" and "-square")
- A new item: Pocket Watch
- The "king" in -king mode now heals and gives speed buff to teammates with his special Scourge (Pious).
- King mode can now be played with custom teams.
- Added a 'release button' for link.
- Replaced ensnare with 'magical binding'
- Removed item requirements
- Re-introduced 'pillar knockback' by popular demand
- Improved tooltip on AoE mastery
- Computer difficulty on the host slot determines different game modes for autohost games:
* Easy: Round: Shuffle mode
* Normal: Round: League B (FFA)
* Hard: Deathmatch: FFA

- Stone Ring of Jordan fireball issue
- Homing self-target exploit
- Tooltip on fireball with Staff of Fireball
- Tooltip on bouncer 6 (not capitalized)
- Tooltip on firespray (knockback
- Time Shift thrusters can now strike twice with one thrust
- HP regeneration is now active while standing on ice
- Glitchy "rally point" on merchant (items) at the empty slot
- Fixed one of the causes of the 'floating link' bug
- Fixed a bug involving damage reduction and drain life steal

- Rush buffed (more speed per damage and slightly more initial speed)
- Homing rebalanced and mechanics changed
- Gravity (Dark Matter) range increased from 800 to 900
- Meteor (Magma) damage slightly decreased
- Splitter cooldown decreased for upgrades
- Splitter upgraded cost decreased by 1 gold
- Splitter (target) child missile range increased while also changing the velocity mechanics slightly
- Wind Walk (invisibility) duration increased from 4.0 + 0.5 x upgrades to 4.4 + 0.7 x upgrades

Miscallenous / general
- Square terrain size has been reduced by 1
- In king mode when king dies, the team of the dead king now gains a hp degeneration instead of a text damage spam. The hp degeneration will not kill, but reduce hitpoints to 1
- Replaced the 0 pillar option with a 'single random pillar'. The 0 pillars option is still available by setting pillar constant to 1, but it will not occur with standard settings
- Added '-mgl' command by demand (starts a 5vs5 game, 10 rounds)
Категория: Arena | Добавил: admin
Просмотров: 895 | Загрузок: 370 | Рейтинг: 0.0

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