Обновлённая 27.09.2008 года Hero Arena. Средней интересности карта, хотя это возможно сугубо моё мнение как человека не любящего карты в этой категории. Карта на восемь игроков, командами 4х4, 26 героев на выбор, достаточно серьёзный AI.
Обновлённая 27.09.2008 года Hero Arena. Средней интересности карта, хотя это возможно сугубо моё мнение как человека не любящего карты в этой категории. Карта на восемь игроков, командами 4х4, 26 героев на выбор, достаточно серьёзный AI.
v1.6b - v1.6c changelog: ------------------------ -All ability hotkeys are changed: Q - First Ability, W - Second Ability, E - Third Ability, R - Ultimate and A - Attribute Bonus. -Floating Texts now cannot be seen if the text point is fogged to Player. -Magic Pouch's Aura now also increases duration of captured structures. -Leavers now display on Multiboard. -When a Player is left, his/her captured structures became neutral hostile (default/uncaptured). -Additional memory leaks. -Slightly reduced Holy Smite's armor reduction.
Torment Arena is a pure-action deathmatch/team deathmatch style custom mod for 8 players. Featuring:
-26 each unique heroes, with their own skill combos, styles and many trigger based abilities. -More than 100 hero skills and alot more unit skills. -Balanced items, artifacts with an initial item cooldown system -Many game mods and gameplay options -30 Creep waves and 6 Bosses -Unique Score system with an optional Score balance-system -A Kill Spree system with custom sounds -Balanced power-up spawns depending on # of Players -Many ingame commands -Capturable Towers and a Fountain -15 unique game Events -Computer AI support (3 difficulities) -Tons of memory leaks -Very nice custom models (made by others) -Many, many more...