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| 03.07.2009, 15:45 |
Автор карты: Aizen Жанр: Aeon of Strife/AoS Версия: 2.3 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: рекомендуется 5 Vs 5 Поддержка компьютера: Да Размер: 128x160 Ландшафт: Felwood Интересная, имеющая на своём счету очень много положительных отзывов карта в категории Aeon of Strife/AoS с обновлениями от 18 мая 2009 года. Достаточно большой выбор героев - тридцать пять, динамичная игра командами 5х5, очень неплохой AI.
В этой версии:
Features: -35 Heroes (each with unique playstyle) -115 Items (different effects with large number of combinations) -Evasive Skills (Block any spell for 1.5s, 20s cd) -Virtue/Sins (Upgrade your Evasive Skills with different effects) -Bleeding when hurt (-20% movement speed) -Fast Spawn and quick paced (more action) -Captain (Upgrade your troops) -Ban Kai system (extend your Ultimate time by killing units) -AI Players (Easy/Normal/Insane) (Disabled for now)
Changes Hey this is tennyo. I'm the new guy since Aizen has quit mapmaking. He let me take over, but we put this version together. I'm using his account since it's too much trouble to transfer ownership and make a new account. AI is disabled in this version, because of lag issues. When it's finished, I'll put it back.
Credits Author: Aizen and tennyo (team Shinra) Beta Testers: CloudStrife, Windroad, Ekou, numaonekobefan Warcraft 3 Tutorial - Guides and Help Hiveworkshop - Icons and Models Blackstan, blinkboy, ultimaagothar_esp, demonye, miland93, narutoj, B3tty Sempai - Models (Units) JetfangInferno - Models (FX)
Категория: AoS | Добавил: admin
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