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wc3elf.clan.su » Файлы » Карты » AoS

SMotA BETA v0.99
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Автор карты: nargaque 
Жанр: AOS 
Версия: v0.99 от 3.10.09 
Язык: Английский 
Кол-во игроков: 10 
Поддержка AI: Нет 
Размер: Cредний 
Ландшафт: Icecrown 

ОПИСАНИЕ: SMotA - карта жанра AOS похожая на DotA, но делающая упор на способностях героя, а не на предметы. На карте на ваш выбор предлагается 110 уникальных героев и 95 предметов (33 обычных и 62 сборных). Дизайн карты красивый сразу видно, что у автора есть чувство вкуса. В общем, карта понравится все любителям этого жанра. 

Изменения в этой версий: 

* added new hero: Tauren Chieftain (High Elf) 
* completely remade Shadow Priest 
* added an innate ability to Afflictor: Shadow Bolt (1.1 sec cast time, deals damage equal to 100 + 2x int, costs 17% max mana) 
* replaced Spirit Watcher's Reincarnation ability with Empowered Spirit (increases mana regeneration, improves Spirit's Rain of Fire damage, and causes spawned Spirit to have the Renew ability) 
* replaced Footman Cold Sword ability with Shield Slam (causes damage, silences, and slows) 
* widened the Undead outpost path terrain a bit 
* removed teleporter cooldowns (this made Only-Mid mode very one sided as only one person could teleport in at a time against an entire team) 
* cut Outpost teleporter gold costs in half 
* improved Outpost towers' attack damage significantly 
* moved bottom lane level 1 High Elf tower a bit 
* reduced lane creeps' armor values slightly 
* Mountain King's Counter Slam now does not activate from illusion attacks 

* fixed a minor crash bug 
* fixed a Demonic Charge bug 
* fixed a bug with Conjurer teleporting with orbs 
* fixed Thief Rage to work correctly 
* fixed Ether Burst to deal the correct damage to low hp heroes 
* fixed an abuse with Midas Touch and Assassin's Blade 
* fixed a camera movement inconsistency after selecting a hero 
* fixed Blood Sphere and Feral Soul sell costs 
* fixed Mana Disruption damage 
* fixed Stratoblast buff icon 
* fixed Blood Pact, Burning Wave, and Demon Morph typos 
* fixed typos on Medallion of Courage, Helm of Valor, and Hood of Cunning 

* Abomination - nerfed Regurgitate stun duration to 1 second 
* Archmage - nerfed stats slightly 
* Archmage - increased Mind Blast cooldown to 14 
* Archmage - improved Teleport cooldown to 50/40/30/20/10 seconds; increased cast time to 3.5 seconds 
* Blood Fiend - Bloodthirst now heals 1% max life on attacks in addition to increasing movespeed; increased aoe to 1500 
* Conjurer - hero kills now grant +4 life orbs 
* Conjurer - reduced Conjure Potion cooldown to 25/19/13/7/1 seconds 
* Death Knight - changed Lich King's Pact to reduce 40/50/60/70% damage when below 35% hp 
* Doom Guard - reduced strength growth from +3.3 to +2.8 per level 
* Doom Guard - lowered Demonic Charge damage to 100/125/150/175/200 
* Earth Revenant - increased Hurl Boulder cooldown to 12 seconds and reduced damage to 100/150/200/250/300 
* Earth Revenant - lowered Earth Blast damage to 100/150/200/250/300 
* Earth Revenant - reduced Aura of Might damage bonus to 6/12/18/24/30% 
* Earth Revenant - improved Earthen Presence damage bonus to 100/150/200/250; improved half-damage aoe to 500 
* Eredar Diabolist - improved Demonic Curse ministun duration to .5 sec 
* Eredar Diabolist - allowed Infiltrate to drain a slight amount of hitpoints (20/25/30/35/40 hp per sec) 
* Faceless Terror - nerfed Faceless Strike bonus damage to 20/40/60/80/100, changed mana cost to 100/115/130/145/160 and cast range to 700 
* Faceless Terror - changed Incredible Reflexes attack speed bonus to 5/10/15/20/25% 
* Faceless Terror - lowered Pummel chance to 10/13/16/19/22% and bonus damage to 30 
* Faceless Terror - reduced Doom duration to 5/6/7/8 
* Footman - improved Rage damage to 3/5/7/9/11% missing hp 
* Footman - improved War Cry bonus stats to 16/24/32/40 
* Gargoyle - increased Sonic Blast cooldown to 11 seconds 
* Grunt - reduced Beserker Strength bonus to 5/10/15/20/25 bonus str 
* Harpy Stormwitch - improved Cyclone base attack time to 1 second 
* Hematologist - lowered Hyperventilate armor reduction to 5 and movespeed bonus to 50%, increased cooldown to 14 
* Hematologist - reduced Coagulation life regeneration bonus to 2/3/4/5/6 hp per sec 
* Hematologist - nerfed Blood Transfusion to 150/225/300/375 health transferred and reduced mana cost to 200/300/400/500 
* Holy Priest - Divine Intervention now removes all debuffs in addition to granting invulnerability 
* Hydra Hatchling - reduced Hydra Split duration to 20 and cooldown to 120, lowered bounty on each Hydra to 30; changed one of the Hydras into an Hydra Elder with additional abilities 
* Hypnotist - buffed Mass Replica damage output to 20% 
* Huntress - allowed Sentinel sight range to remain constant at 1200; its mana cost scales 100/80/60/40/20 
* Illusionist - increased Phantom Strike chance to 10/12/14/16/18%; made illusions unable to proc illusions 
* Kobold Digger - reduced Bash chance to 10/15/20/25% 
* Kodo Rider - reduced War Drums damage bonus to 5/10/15/20/25% 
* Marksman - lowered starting stats slightly 
* Merchant - lowered Steal stun duration to 1 second 
* Mountain Giant - improved Tree Smash to last 2 attacks 
* Mountain King - lowered Counter Slam damage to 50/65/80/95/110 
* Nerubian Lord - increased Web aoe to 350 
* Ogre Fighter - lowered starting strength and strength growth significantly; improved agility slightly 
* Pit Lord - lowered Brute Force strength bonus to 5/10/15/20/25 
* Raider - rebalanced stats (lowered str by .3/level and agi by .5/level, increased int by .3/level; lowered starting str by 2 and increased starting int by 2) 
* Reaper - increased Dark Bolt cooldown to 12, reduced stun to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 sec, changed damage to 100/140/180/220/260 
* Reaper - nerfed Zombie armor to 2 constant; increased Summon Zombies cooldown to 40 seconds 
* Reaper - lowered Crippling Void duration to 5 seconds 
* Sludge King - nerfed starting strength and strength growth; increased agi and int slightly 
* Shadow Hunter - reduced Red Lightning dmg/heal to 100/160/220/280/340 
* Shadow Hunter - reduced Hex duration to 1/1.75/2.5/3.25/4 seconds 
* Shadow Lich - lowered Death and Decay cooldown to 16; lowered its structure damage factor to 25% 
* Spider - improved base strength from 16 to 20 
* Spirit Watcher - nerfed Ancestral Shield duration to 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 
* Time Keeper - increased Time Bomb cooldown to 12 seconds 
* Void Walker - lowered Void Blast damage to 50/100/150/200/250, changed cooldown to 15 flat and mana cost to 100/125/150/175/200 
* Void Walker - increased Energy Absorption cooldown to 45/40/35/30/25, lowered mana cost 100 constant 
* Void Walker - nerfed Vortex max duration to 5 seconds flat, increased mana cost to 400/600/800/1000 and cooldown to 180 
* Witch Doctor - reduced Curse of Weakening duration to 5 seconds 
* Witch Doctor - nerfed Voodoo Ward hp to 200/300/400/500 and armor to 2/4/6/8 

* added 3 new items: Axe of Might, Sorcerer Robe, Vacuum Wand 
* removed Shield of Honor, Killmaim, and Killmaim II 
* moved Blade of the Monkey and Mask of the Vampire to the Armory 
* nerfed Essence of Aszune/Heart of Searinox/Soul Core series: lowered life bonus, str bonus, and heal on each; Essence of Aszune now does not require Ring of Regeneration and costs 700 to combine; Heart of Searinox costs 1400 to combine 
* lowered Curve Bow/Wind Bow stuns to .1/.25/.5/1 
* reduced Healing Salve cost to 65 
* reduced Lesser Clarity Potion cost to 35 
* Blood Sphere - nerfed fixed steal to 7/14/21/28/35/42 life 
* Feral Soul - improved damage bonus to 30/52/69/82/92/99 
* Paralysis Prism - changed bonus damage to 30 constant 
* Gloves of Magic - nerfed duration to 2 seconds 
* Crown of Kings II is now Golden Crown 

* added new icons for Battle Roar, Bloodthirst, Coagulation, Hemorrhage, Natural Concealment, Piercing Shot, Rifle Upgrade, Sentinel, Vital Reversal 
* added animation to Holy Shock's periodic damage 
* changed Marksman attack projectile to the original Charged Shot projectile; changed Charged Shot projectile to old Goblin Sapper attack projectile 
* added new Fountain attack animation 
* added new Gunner model 
* renamed Footman to Warrior 
* changed Shadow Priest's proper name to Horror (from Dark Horror) 
* reverted Desert Advocate's skin to default 
* reverted Ghost model and skin to non-custom 
* allowed Firelord's Burning Wave to burn down trees 
* renamed Banshee's Shadow Rip to Soul Tear

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