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wc3elf.clan.su » Файлы » Карты » AoS

The Desert of Exile v1.12(p)
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Автор карты: Rising_Dusk 
Жанр: Aeon of Strife/AoS 
Версия: 1.12(p) 
Язык: Английский 
Кол-во игроков: 2-12 
Поддержка компьютера: Нет 
Размер: Средний 
Ландшафт: Пустоши 
Очень качественно выполненная карта для двенадцати игроков в категории Aeon of Strife/AoS. Интересный ландшафт, нестандартные модели героев. Без поддержки AI.


6v6 gameplay! 
49 items in total! 
Thirty fun heroes to play across two teams! 
A more graceful way to hire units, making huge pushes or spreading them out over time possible. 
A condition system inspired by RPG games of old that allows for incredible hero and spell interaction. 
The map is based around PvP, but done in a way that the game starts at level 1, and ends at level 18. 
Assistance given for hero kills! 
Fun, hero-driven gameplay that keeps you interested! 
Replayable as hell! 

Change Log версии 1.12(p): 

- Sozen has a new texture! 
- Both artifact shops now reside at each oasis island! 

------ BUGS 
- Siev's Thirst now correctly works when the Hero takes damage 
- Mechanical flaws in Skittel's Pitfall and Tunnel have been fixed 
- Fixed a bug that made Tempest Wake damage twice as fast as it should 
- Fixed a bug that caused Vizer's Last Wish to not function properly 
- Spirit Burn's AOE indicator now correctly matches its AOE 
- Fixed a bug that made Dagurnott play incorrect animations 
- Fixed the Hallowed Scouts having no soundset 

- Fixed a tooltip error in the Brickwelder Barricade 
- Fixed a tooltip error in Black Hole Sun 
- Fixed a tooltip error in Heartburn 
- Fixed a tooltip error on workers 

------ BALANCE 
- Faction Transfer now gives 300g for 1 faction 
- Whitewater Purge now has a 45 second cooldown 
- Spectral Shard now only adds 50% damage to conditions 
- Vizer's Last Wish now passively adds the first level of its bonus 
- Bonecrusher now has a 25% chance to cripple 
- Purity potions now cost 60/180g apiece 

- Black Hole Sun has had its functionality changed 

- Schism now stuns instead of muting 
- Dismission Aura has had its functionality changed 
- Blank has been replaced by Mister Mime 

- Lightning Ward now has a 25% chance to mute on hit 
- Lightning Ward now adds 4/8/12/16/20 magickal damage 

- Pitfall now has a 6 second cooldown at all levels 
- Dragonbane Hide now reduces damage by 7/9/11/13/15% per condition 
- Splinter Cell has been replaced by Heatdeath


Категория: AoS | Добавил: admin
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