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wc3elf.clan.su » Файлы » Карты » Другое

Wilderness Survival Co-oP 2.8
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null null

- Автор карты: Jay; Обновление от: takezandgoez 
- Жанр: Defense/Survival 
- Версия: 2.8 для патча 1.24 
- Язык: Английский 
- Кол-во игроков: 2-10 
- Поддержка компьютера: Нет 
- Размер: 160x160 
- Ландшафт: Lordaeron Winter

Забавная карта для сетевой игры минимум двух человек. Создатель карты отнёс её к категории Defense/Survival, так что желаю Вам выжить на этой заснеженной, ледяной пустыне. 
Карта для обновлённого до 1.24 WC3TFT.

Wilderness Survival Co-oP: 
Advanced Version of Wilderness Survival, except this map was made entirely by me! 

Warcraft III The Frozen Throne 
2 Players or more 

-5 Versus 5 Cooperative Play 
-Survive in the wilderness 
-Kill opposing team 
-Health hits 0 your dead 
-Warmth hits 0 life will deplete "Keep your warmth up" 
-When you die you will still be able to play the game 

Not everything in the game is effecting around "realism" but more closely yes most things were done for more of a realistic feeling. Object of the game is basic you really just find items around in the wilderness and "create" items to help you fight off the cold, wild animals and also the opposing team your fighting. Items include, weapons/armor/structures/ect. The gameplay will give you 2 hours to complete the game which should be enough time to finish the game. To complete the game you kill the opposing team. Simple? Go give it a try! 

Credits: These are given in the map by pressing: F9 

Version 2.8: 
-Added All players start with a Fire/Tent/Raw Meat 
-Added New Ability *Fire A Flare* (Improves sight radius for a short time) 
-Added Draw (If all players die at the same time it will end in a defeat) 
-Changed Map Name it was [Winter Island Survival] 
-Changed Minimap & Loading Screen 
-Changed Difficulty: Extended Easy Mode & Removed All Players Start with Fire 
-Fixed Leaderboard to only count 1 specific unit 
-Fixed Crash North East where the Waterfall is located 
-Cleaned/Edited Triggers

Категория: Другое | Добавил: eldiablo
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