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Warlock 088b hotfix
[ · Скачать удаленно (1.23Mb) ]
- Автор карты: Zymoran and Demestotenes 
- Жанр: Hero Arena / Mini Game 
- Версия: 088b hotfix от 11.08.2009 
- Язык: Английский. 
- Кол-во игроков: До 12. 
- Поддержка компьютера: Нет. 
- Размер: 64x64 (маленький) 
- Ландшафт: Подземелье
Warlock 088b hotfix changelog 

--- New ---- 

- Compatibility with version 1.24 
- Changed the user interface 
*** Added blue border user interface. 
*** Re-added the Clock indicator which replaces the Shrink timer and also works as a deathmatch periodic timer 
- Displacement renamed to Swap (simplification) 
- Removed clarity potion (temporarily at least) 
- Easter egg #1 (the moon-alike terrain) is remade due to popular demand. 

--- Fixes --- 

- Freeze duration now increases with upgrades 
- Cape now displays the correct buff 
- Fixed player 6 name color (orange) 

--- Balances --- 

- Avatar now deals more knockback (double damage means double knockback) 
- Swap cooldown reduced by 0.5 
- Swap upgrade cost reduced by 1 
- Boomerang range decreased by 100 
- Boomerang direction is no longer random. It changes direction on each shot 
- Fire Spray cluster mode damage changed to 3.4 + 0.4*upgrades instead of 3.5 + 0.5*upgrades 
- Fire Spray Stream mode cooldown reduced by 1 
- Gravity mechanics changed (pull is square based) 
- Gravity cost reduced from 16 to 15 
- Gravity upgrade cost reduced by 2 
- Gravity force decreased by 10 
- Gravity damage decreased by 0.2 
- Gravity AoE range on Warlocks reduced slightly 
- Aegis cost reduced from 18 to 17 
- Staff of Fireball cost reduced from 16 to 15 
- Ranged mastery now increases range of projectiles by 10% and lightning by 15% 
- AoE mastery now increases AoE blast radius from 10% per level to 12% per level 
- AoE mastery no longer increases range of Splitter 
- AoE mastery no longer increases range of Gravity 
- AoE mastery now affects Boomerang 

--- Miscallenous --- 

- Easter egg #1 has 11 times bigger chance to occur (rare) 
- Easter egg #2 has 3 times bigger chance to occur (super rare) 
- Optimized damage function and mode functions 
- Optimized Gravity 
- Optimized Fire Spray 
- Changing the damage constant on setup now also applies to the actual knockback. Remember to set a matching knockback constant. 

--- Important --- 

- The map was intended to be named "Warlock 089", but was renamed to "Warlock 088b hotfix" because no updated preview screen was offered in time. This means that Warlock 089 is obsolete. 
- Custom Terrain Editor is not supported for 089 due to the new Warcraft 3 patch. This will be fixing in a later version. 
- I would like to dedicate this little space of the changelog - completely undeserved - to WC3 Blizzard crew who have been working hard for about 4 months trying to fix an issue in the World Editor, but instead making every advanced map unplayable. We thought that it could not get any worse than the "Added a new banner system" patch. We were wrong. 

Last post made by: TheOverWhelming on Yesterday, 07:41 PM 
Total Views: 180 
Total Comments: 9 
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Why Warlock Crashes/can't Join? 
Why Warlock Crashes/can't Join? 

Why Warlock Crashes/can't Join? 
Posted by Shamanno1 on Aug 4 2009, 05:20 PM 
Hi guys and girls tongue.gif 
Battle.net has just been updated to 1.24 today and warlock can't be played anymore. 
Don't panic it will be fixed very soon.Keep checking the forum for a version compatible with 1.24 
While waiting play our newest version Warlock 099 
Link: http://warlockbrawl.com/index.php?showtopic=2906 

Last post made by: KingMortaliss on Aug 7 2009, 06:47 PM 
Total Views: 524 
Total Comments: 22 
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Warlock 088b Hotfix Announced 
Warlock 088b Hotfix Announced 

Warlock 088b Hotfix Announced 
Posted by Zymoran on Jul 27 2009, 08:09 PM 
Warlock 088b hotfix changelog (not finished) 

--- New ---- 

- Compatibility with version 1.24 
- Changed the user interface 
*** Added blue border user interface. 
*** Re-added the Clock indicator which replaces the Shrink timer and also works as a deathmatch periodic timer 
- Displacement renamed to Swap (simplification) 
- Removed clarity potion (temporarily at least) 
- Easter egg #1 (the moon-alike terrain) is remade due to popular demand. 

--- Fixes --- 

- Freeze duration now increases with upgrades 
- Cape now displays the correct buff 
- Fixed player 6 name color (orange) 

--- Balances --- 

- Avatar now deals more knockback (double damage means double knockback) 
- Swap cooldown reduced by 0.5 
- Swap upgrade cost reduced by 1 
- Boomerang range decreased by 100 
- Boomerang direction is no longer random. It changes direction on each shot 
- Fire Spray cluster mode damage changed to 3.4 + 0.4*upgrades instead of 3.5 + 0.5*upgrades 
- Fire Spray Stream mode cooldown reduced by 1 
- Gravity mechanics changed (pull is square based) 
- Gravity cost reduced from 16 to 15 
- Gravity upgrade cost reduced by 2 
- Gravity force decreased by 10 
- Gravity damage decreased by 0.2 
- Gravity AoE range on Warlocks reduced slightly 
- Aegis cost reduced from 18 to 17 
- Staff of Fireball cost reduced from 16 to 15 
- Ranged mastery now increases range of projectiles by 10% and lightning by 15% 
- AoE mastery now increases AoE blast radius from 10% per level to 12% per level 
- AoE mastery no longer increases range of Splitter 
- AoE mastery no longer increases range of Gravity 
- AoE mastery now affects Boomerang 

--- Miscallenous --- 

- Easter egg #1 has 11 times bigger chance to occur (rare) 
- Easter egg #2 has 3 times bigger chance to occur (super rare) 
- Optimized damage function and mode functions 
- Optimized Gravity 
- Optimized Fire Spray 
- Changing the damage constant on setup now also applies to the actual knockback. Remember to set a matching knockback constant. 

--- Important --- 

- The map was intended to be named "Warlock 089", but was renamed to "Warlock 088b hotfix" because no updated preview screen was offered in time. 
- Custom Terrain Editor is not supported for 089 due to the new Warcraft 3 patch. This will be fixing in a later version. 
- I would like to dedicate this little space of the changelog - completely undeserved - to WC3 Blizzard crew who have been working hard for about 4 months trying to fix an issue in the World Editor, but instead making every advanced map unplayable. We thought that it could not get any worse than the "Added a new banner system" patch. We were wrong.

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