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Naruto: SShowdown v1.15B
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С обновлениями от 26 августа 2009 года, версия неплохой карты в двойной категории Arena, Mini-Game, максимум для двенадцати игроков (шесть команд, по два игрока в каждой). Присутствует неплохая поддержка AI.

- Автор карты: Teldrassil 
- Жанр: Arena, Mini-Game, Miscellanous/Other 
- Версия: 1.15B. Патч 1.24 
- Язык: Английский 
- Кол-во игроков: Рекомендуется 4-12 
- Поддержка компьютера: Да 
- Размер: 64x64 
- Ландшафт: Lordaeron Summer

Version 1.15B Changes: 

removed the hero selection system that bugs all the time and created my own that looks the same. 
reworked Jirobo's Earthen Barrier cause it was bad. 
fixed Jirobo's Chackra Sucking Dome thing because it bugged. 
added Asuma, Kurenai, Baki, Gai, and Konan 
added new Hero Icons for almost all the characters (excluding summons) 
added a couple new spell effects on a select few abilities 
added the option to select All Random mode (randomly selects characters for all players, if the RBT option is on it will do this after every tourny) 
added new effects to the FFA tournament 
Reworking most Triggers; abilities to be fully MUI with better coding 
Fixed Kiba's Dash Move 
Kidoumaru's Poison Arrow reworked and fixed 
fixed conflicting hotkeys on all characters (hopefully got em all) 
Greatly optimized and improved all force hits, ultimate hits, exploding water shockwave, gatsuuga, meat tank, water dragon wave, grand fireball and water shark missile. All are MUI now as well. Second form triggers redone, they are now MPI and fully functional. 
created a vast amount of new abilities to use as "tag out" abils once it is implemented 
Fixed a bug where not all units and effects were removed after the tourny 
Fixed an exploit that will go unmentioned 
Fixed a bug where knockbacks would suffer damage from already dead destructibles 
Reworked Tsunade's summon, it is now locusted and you may press the Down arrow key to split it into multiple slugs 
Added condition to change to the next vote faster if everyone has voted. 
Added condition to resurrect destructibles after every round. 
Fixed new coding that caused Battle Royale to get stuck 
added Jiroubo and Kidoumaru 
Added new hero selection 
added the choice of re picking heroes in between tournaments 
fixed all unit collision values 
balanced many abilities 
replaced certain abilities 
replaced three arenas 
fixed many hot keys and bugs 
replaced most waits with polled waits 
Fixed clear Arenas After Fights 
Fixed Log Replacement 
fixed Sakura's FPF Bonus Damage 
Fixed Ino level-transfer bug. (hopefully) 
fixed the damage Kimimaro's ultimate deals. 
fixed all hotkeys (hopefully) 
replaced zabs channeled wave ability 
Gave Kabuto's undead units a move and attack speed bonus. 
Kank's puppet has spell resistance instead of immunity 
Replace water level, battle royal, rock level 
make 1st's tentacles spawn further away from him 
added in ranged stun for kiba (dash) 
Fixed classifications of all heroes. 
Increased all of Neji's mana costs slightly 
added knockback walls to the waiting room (for bug fixing) 
reduced the slug's selection size and increase it's collision 
reduced Tay's silence to 1/2 the duration, cooldown to 3/4 
reduced both doki duration and cooldown to 3/4

Категория: Другое | Добавил: eldiablo
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